
Breathe Better, Perform Better

1:1 Coaching

The Breath Coach Athlete Performance Program will take you to the next level.

I work with individual athlete and teams

From foundational health to performance and Recovery.

Breathe Better, Perform Better

Optimal breathing improves…

+ VO2 Max

+ Lactate threshold

+ Exercise efficiency

+ Energy

+ Sleep and recovery

+ Nervous system balance

+ Performance anxiety

+ Bloodwork- Hematocrit and haemoglobin


+ Resting heart rate

+ Zonal heart rate

+ Cerebral (brain) blood flow

+ Posture

+ Mobility

+ Focus

+ Concentration

I work with athletes who compete in endurance sports, football, rugby, swimming, surfing, cycling, and track and field.

If you're seeking the advantage over your rivals and have underestimated and benefits of functional breathing on performance, feel free to contact me for further information or book a no-obligation free 30-minute consultation on the blue button below.

Lets take your performance to the next level.